Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Dinners and Boxing Day

I guess I should update again since I seem to be following a pattern of about once a week.

It isn't that I don't enjoy doing this (I do) I just... forget... a lot. Perhaps its because I'm still fairly new to this blogging thing, updating hasn't become a habit yet.
Hold on a second...

Okay I'm back, yesterday I bought a fist-full of new dvds so I had to put one on. (Bloodsport, if you're curious) I'll talk more about that later.

A few days ago I was hanging with one of my buddies (I'm going to call him Noah because I got tired of writing "my buddy" all the time) and he invited me to his family's Christmas Eve get together. I'm out to his Mum and Step-dad and they're really cool about it. They even introduced me to rest of his family as John. It was a great meal and a better way to spend an evening than at home alone with the cat.

Christmas Day I spent at work all day, I cleaned doors for hours and then had to crash at work because I was on call for the rest of the 24 hours I was scheduled. There are a stupid amount of doors at that place and because I had to squat to clean the lower parts of all of them; I ended up doing almost 200 squats over the course of the day. When I woke up yesterday morning I walked around like I was John Wayne for a couple of hours! The muscles in my thighs are still tight from it. Its probably a sign I should probably work out my legs more.

After working virtually alone for 24hours I was pretty starved for some human interaction and playing Call Of Duty: MW3 wasn't cutting it. (By the way, I am AWFUL at multi-player, atleast in comparison to everyone else who is online.) I texted Noah to see what he was doing and we ended up braving the malls to grab some sweet deals.
I got a super warm sweater for about $30 less than it normally goes for. Noah got a sweet jacket and I was sorta jealous that it fit him so well. I sometimes get jealous when I see people who look the way I feel I should, or the way I want to... flat chests and facial hair. Usually I'm okay but sometimes it gets me down. I've talked to Noah about it before and he gets it. I feel like I can talk to him about almost anything and he gets it. He's just on of those guys.
Anyways he saved a but load of money on that sweet jacket and we bought some $3 dvds.
I have a problem when it comes to dvds. I love movies, all kinds of them. Noah loves them too.
I bought:
Tango & Cash
and The Time Machine
Noah bought Space Jam.

After blowing some cash we grabbed some food and headed to his place where he made me watch Yes Man. Which was pretty hilarious, and sort of makes you want to try new things.
Speaking of new things; before my roommates left for their homes they invited me to a strip club.
I had never been to one before and I was very reluctant to go when they first asked. I thought about it for a little bit and decided "what the hell?! I'll go because I've never been and if I didn't like it I wouldn't have to go again." It wasn't so bad and we had a good time regardless of the quality & quantity of naked ladies. Have I mentioned my roommates are a couple? They have been together for about 4 years and they took ME to a strip club... BOTH of them. Weird...

Fun Fact: I find nice legs VERY attractive.

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