The Timeline

This will be a page which will hopefully have a timeline on it regarding the progress I am making with my journey. Unfortunately I'm super bad with dates so this will be more like a close approximation as to when things have happened or are happening.

April 2009 - The Ex asks me if I "would like to maybe, sometime, go to a movie or something" I Don't Say No. Shortly after I call my mother and tell her "I DIDN'T SAY NO!" and my mother hugs me and laughs telling me she still loves me and will be supportive no matter what.

June 20, 2009 - We start dating for realzies. (20th becomes our monthiversary date)

December 13, 2009 - I tell my dad I've been dating a girl since June. He tells me I haven't learned anything from church or school and that "this is a FINE Christmas present. We don't talk anymore.

December 22, 2009 - I get invited to my Ex's family's Christmas in North Bay, On since I won't be welcome at mine. (on account of my dad) On the 23rd I arrive in North Bay and am welcomed with a wealth of open arms. After Christmas in North Bay we (the Ex and I) venture to her father's in Washego, On for New Years.

February 14, 2010 My Grandma passes away and I see my Dad for the first time since telling him about "dating a girl" (Thats what I called it, I never said I was a lesbian. I have always said "dating a girl") I hug him but we don't talk.

Somewhere along the lines I get my first binder and I wear it a lot. The Ex says she thinks I wear it too much and doesn't want it causing me harm so I try and limit when I wear it, such as special occasions or days out with friends. Secretly I wish to wear it all the time or to not have breasts at all. My Ex and I talk about how maybe some day I'll have surgery to have them reduced just in case I don't want to change genders. I really do want to have them removed though. I also eventually buy a packer and wear that also.

I begin to ask most of my closest friends to refer to me by male pronouns and call me by my nickname (which most of them already do) instead of my given name.

I struggle with not being able to wear my binder all the time, I struggle with how people perceive me and with passing. I begin to struggle with my Ex in the bedroom, we become less comfortable with each other because we don't want to make the other uncomfortable.

December 2010 - I decide to come out to my Ex's family about being Trans and I start to tell a few more people about how I identify as trans. Her family is super accepting of me and even tell me some stories of people they know and are friends with. One even passes along the e-mail of someone I can talk to who has been through much of what I have and then some. They are all very supportive and do their best to cope with the pro-noun change. We then spend New Years at my Ex's father's and step-mother's place. Its there that my Ex suggests we separate for a while and see how things go from there. Neither of us have the money to move away from the other and thus begins the hardest 8 months of our relationship.

February 14th, 2011 - At a family memorial service for my Grandma. My cousin drives me from my city because it is on the way to the grave site. I see my dad there and hardly recognize him. (he had put on a lot of weight and didn't look the same as a year earlier) My cousin hugs him and thanks him for coming. Trying to asses the situation I go to hug him and say I had barely recognized him. He replies with no hug and a "thats what I was going for" and then walks away. He doesn't talk to me for the rest of the day including the family lunch at Swiss Challet.

My mother and I continue to have a good relationship, she visits me often where I live in the next city over from theirs, she doesn't bring me up when she talks to my dad because it just starts a fight. They still live together which began to really grate on my Ex. (she complained about it a lot which was frustrating for me :/)

(more coming soon!)