Sunday, December 11, 2011

Train Rides with Drunken Acquaintances

After a couple of very trying days at work; Saturday finally rolled around and I was invited to go to a buddy's shop to give him a hand with a project he was working on. I'm always super excited when I can go to his place because I get to work on some pretty neat things and I don't always have the space or tools to do it at home.
Yesterday he needed a hand with seaming some rubber props for a musical thats coming to Toronto relatively soon which was very exciting and surprisingly dusty work, although much work is that involves sanding. I only have a couple pictures from yesterday but I'll post them on my other blog as to avoid confusion. My other blog is my SFX blog.
It was a long day in the shop but ultimately very rewarding. I left TO very late and I was super cold and had been working out in the shop all day which wasn't very much warmer than outside. By the time I was leaving I was done for the day and just wanted to crash into my nice warm bed. I got to Union and watched my train home pull away without me. I decided since I had an hour to kill that I would get some McDonald's french fries even though I had already had dinner at the prop shop. I stepped into the line-up and was only a couple people away from the counter when an announcement came over the loudspeaker and said there would be another train home on the platform that would be leaving shortly.
I thought 'forget the fries, home is more important right now and I don't want to wait an hour for another train after this one!'
I headed to the platform hopped on the train and sat by the doors waiting eagerly for the doors to close so that I could be on my way. I was all set for a boring lonely train ride home, I had my book (Ender's Game) I had my mp3 player (Zune, Don't laugh you jerk!) all that was missing was the hot chocolate I had planned on getting from the Tim Horton's on Bay st except it was closed when I got there! I sat on the train about to take my mp3 player out of my bag when these 2 guys got on the train with their fists full of McD bags. One of them (lets call him Jim) recognized me from working at their College and was super stoked about it. He introduced me to his friend (Ron) and they both sat down across from me. Jim offered me some of his french fries and then began to eat 4 hamburgers as only someone with the drunk munchies can. Jim told me how they had been to a friend's birthday and he had met his future wife there. We chatted about when he should call or text her and about HIMYM and Breaking Bad. All in all it was a much more entertaining train ride home than I had expected. I ended up walking home with them (we all lived along the same road) instead of catching a cab like a lazy person who had found $20 on the ground. That made it a much longer and colder trip home but the company is what makes things worth while sometimes. We passed Jim's apartment and said so long. He hugged Ron and kissed him on both cheeks, Ron grabbed his ass. Then Jim hugged me and kissed me on the cheek. I didn't kiss him back and he jokingly got offended. I think its important to note that this was only the second time I had met Jim and both times he had been "hammed out of his mind" as he so eloquently put it. Ron was a lot quieter the rest of the way home but was good company none-the-less, also it turns out we live in the same building so that was kinda cool too.

Another thing I've been realizing is, Just because you have a male name doesn't mean people are going to use male pronouns. I go by John at work, and I plan to make that my middle name. (I'm not sure how T will effect my face or body type so I figure maybe I'll decide on a first name later) Jim knew me from my place of work and knew me as John but proceeded to call me "She" for the duration of the night. I think if I ever see him sober I will correct him, but we'll see how that goes.

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