Saturday, December 3, 2011

HIMYM and Christmas

Christmas is coming!
And I am discovering that the amount of time I spend watching How I Met Your Mother is in direct correlation to how down I feel and how much comforting I need.
One day I did not get out of bed except to go to the bathroom and go to work. I watched hours of HIMYM before work and then came home and watched more.
I've been feeling pretty low lately.

I love How I Met Your Mother. Its a great comedy with just enough drama. The characters are personable and identifiable. There's a little bit of all of them in all of us and we see a little bit of all of them in all of our friends.
We listen to Ted tell his kids about living in New York in his late 20s and early 30s and he comes so close to meeting their mother. We're welcomed into his stories like we were another of his kids; a part of Ted's family. Marshall, Lilly, Barney and Robin are our friends and our Aunts and Uncles. There aren't many shows out now that you can escape to and can make you tear up, hold your breath, or laugh until you're crying and can't breathe. This one does it for me, and right now I think its what I need.
I hate to admit it but I think I am missing my ex.
When I try and put things into perspective, I realize we were only together for a year and a half or so. It doesn't sound like a long time but it was for me.

A lot happened while I was dating/living with her. I spent 2 Christmases with her and her family (I'm not welcome at mine) After we broke up I didn't have enough money to move so we ended up living together for another 8 months. It was really hard to do. I don't know if you've ever tried to live with someone platonicly when you still love them but it felt like being forced into an open relationship. Essentially you have permission to do whatever you want with whoever you want and the other person has no real say in the matter because you aren't together anymore. I dreaded the day that she would start to see someone else. I reached new depths I didn't know were possible. I was angry at myself and the situation I let myself get into and the truth is there was some self-harm. By the way, I have always felt like self-harm was a big load of bullshit and a complete waste of time and I still do. I hate that I didn't have the strength to channel that anger and pain into something more productive. I blamed myself for the failure of our relationship, I blamed myself for destroying the future we could make together. As it turns out I have left myself with some badges that will always remind me of that time.

I suppose I miss the good times with her more than I miss her. The more I think about our relationship the more I realize she wasn't the one.
I didn't feel supported enough in my decisions, and when I came out to her (as a Transman) I feel like she shied away.

When you've avoided letting people close, or haven't felt able to let people near you because you've been uncomfortable with how people perceive you or uncomfortable with your body, and you're finally comfortable enough with someone; its a huge thing letting them in both emotionally and physically. When I told her how I felt about being a man and thinking about the steps I would have to take, I feel like she became uncomfortable with me. Like she didn't know how to treat me and stopped being comfortable/physical with me because she didn't want to make me uncomfortable.

I lost someone very close to me, closer than I'd ever let anyone get before. I don't know when/if I'll ever be able to let someone that close again, because I wouldn't ever want to make someone as uncomfortable as she got.

So yeah, Christmas is coming, and because I don't have a special someone to share it with; I took a 24hr shift on Christmas Eve. I plan on stocking up on ice cream and watching as much HIMYM as I can stand.

I didn't mean for this post to be such a downer but there were some thoughts in there that needed to be formed into coherent sentences and spilled out somewhere.

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