Monday, January 2, 2012

Lonesome Dog

I'm taking a little break from work as I start writing this. Currently I'm living at work for a few days to get some hardcore work done before guests comeback from the holidays. (I kind of work at a hotel type place) I'm mostly doing cleaning and things but it takes a long time so work is letting me crash in one of their rooms while I'm here.

I wanted to talk a bit about feeling lonely. Sometimes I think another pet would fix that, or at the very least make life a little more bearable.
I have been feeling this way for a couple of weeks now but its been getting worse lately. I've been itching for things to do to keep myself occupied. Thankfully my friends wanted to go see a film yesterday so we went to see Tintin. I have been excited to see this film since hearing Simon Pegg and Nick Frost would be Thompson and Thomson. I am a big fan of Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, and Edgar Wright. I also have fond memories of watching Tintin the cartoon as a child.

I also love Tintin's dog Snowy, how effing awesome is that dog? I sort of feel bad for all the parents who took their kids to see that film because every one of them is going to leave that theater wanting a freaking dog. They will, I know because I want one.
I however, have 23 years of wanting a dog under my belt as opposed to some little kid wanting one for a week and a half.

I feel like a dog would be good to have in some respects because it would want more from me than my rats do. (I have 3 and I love them to bits but its not quite the same) Perhaps I have this romanticized (figuratively, of course) idea of what having a dog would be like. The idea of having a friend who would be undyingly loyal and who would love you unconditionally regardless of who I was. Maybe I secretly hope that having a dog would be like having Snowy. We would have adventures and I wouldn't need to have him on a lead and he would be extremely well behaved and my best friend. Realistically I know it wouldn't be exactly like this, atleast not right away, but I could hope and dream right?
Someday I'll be able to get a dog but I know I can't until I'm better able to support myself. I'd need to have a job that I can support myself with, pay my rent and buy groceries without being afraid I might not have another paycheck coming. Live in a place that isn't too expensive and I'm not afraid I might get kicked out of. I have enough fears of what I might have to pay in regards to doctor's fees. Things that OHIP or my benefits might not cover. It would be completely irresponsible to get a dog and not have money I could pay to a vet in the event that that dog got sick.

Until the day I am working in a career I am happy with and a little more stable health-wise and financially; I cannot have that kind of companion to depend on me for the necessities of life.

Man I want an effin dog though.

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