Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Waiting Game

Its been a long week back at work. I am starting to realize that this job is not for me, it is not ultimately fulfilling as well as very stressful.

I am making friends and meeting people BUT if I am in the lowest spot in the totem pole and still coming home and worrying about what is getting done at work and what I will have to deal with when I get back the next morning or on Monday then something is not working properly within that company.

On the plus side I found out that I have begun paying off my student loans. And I believe within the next couple of months I should be getting health benefits from work. Which will be awesome, I hope... I hope that it will come in handy if I need assistance once I start therapy or if I'll need assistance starting hormones or with surgery.

I would like to go back to school for theater tech I believe. I want to go back to school after taking care of the next few... steps I guess. (I don't know what to really refer to it as) I'm not feeling like I'm making "official progress" I'm currently waiting on a call from the organization whose waiting list I am on for a spot in therapy (hurray!) but it feels like I have been waiting for a very very long time and I don't know how much longer I will have to wait for.

Occasionally I feel like I might not be taken seriously because I'm not seriously harming myself or abusing substances. I seriously hope that won't be the case. Everyone struggles in their own way and I hope everyone will be able to find peace in whatever way we are looking for it.

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