Monday, November 21, 2011

The Beginning

This'll be quick. I just wanted to post something so I had a better idea of how things would show up on this page after I start messing around with the design.

Sometimes you get an idea in your head and it becomes the most important thing for the few minutes it takes from conceiving the idea and executing the idea. I have had the idea of writing a blog for a few months now but today it took hold of me and would not let me sleep. A fact made more unfortunate because I happen to be working nights and it is hard enough to sleep during the day in the land of the living.

I am not a particularly skillful writer. In fact my grades in high school English were fairly mediocre. So be aware this is not going to be some fantastic work the likes of which the world has not seen since Orson Scott Card or Philip K. Dick. Actually this blog will be mostly non-fiction and with a healthy dose of hyperbole like any entertaining blog.

I know this blog will not speak to everyone. I know this blog will not reach many people (if any at all) for quite some time. My hope is not to have some super successful internet-sensation with followers and fans from around the world and in all walks of life. Although it might be a little more fun to know people are reading; I feel like that would put a lot of expectations on me and I don't think that more stress is what I need. What I do need is a place to express my thoughts, share some art, vent some frustrations and open up a bit more. Perhaps sharing with the anonymity of the internet will lend me the freedom to do so. Maybe my thoughts on my situation will help someone else who has found this page.

I am Transitioning. FtoM.
Maybe you are too, or maybe you are MtoF, or maybe you have a friend who is/has/will be. Maybe you just have some gay friends or are gay yourself. Maybe you're just curious. You could be any number of things, and that's okay too.
If you think this blog might help you, or someone you know, please share it. Feel free to comment too. I'd love to hear your thoughts. I hope to keep this a friendly, supportive and understanding place.

If you've found it; it's called Y Not? Being an X-man.
I'll explain why I chose this.
Speaking by way of chromosomes (btw: a subject on which I am no expert)
XX - Two "X" chromosomes denotes a female.
XY - One "X" and one "Y" denotes a male.
And if you're living in the Marvel Universe, a third "X" or a second "X" respectively, would mean you were a mutant and therefore awesome but persecuted. (X-Men)

Y is also a question on its own. "Why?"

Why was I born the way I was? Why do I feel wrong in my own body? Why was I born without this "Y" chromosome? Why am I a male inside a woman's body?

Tongue planted firmly in cheek: Does this finally make me an X-Man?